
Showing posts from April, 2018

Gods of Our Fathers: The United States of Enlightenment

     Why should we care what the Founding Fathers believed, or did not believe, about religion? They went to such great trouble to insulate faith from politics, and took such care to keep their own convictions private, that it would scarcely matter if it could now be proved that, say, George Washington was a secret Baptist. The ancestor of the American Revolution was the English Revolution of the 1640s, whose leaders and spokesmen were certainly Protestant fundamentalists, but that did not bind the Framers and cannot be said to bind us, either. Indeed, the established Protestants church in Britain was one of the models which can be quite sure the signatories of 1776 were determined to avoid emulating.      Moreover, the eighteenth-century scholars and gentlemen who gave us the U. S. Constitution were in a relative state of innocence respecting knowledge of the cosmos, the Earth, and the psyche, of the sort that has revolutionized the modern argument over faith. Charles Darwi