
Showing posts from November, 2020
Psychoanalysis as a Replacement of Stimulants that are used as Treatment for ADHD The purpose of this essay is to explore whether stimulant drugs should still be used to treat attention deficit disorder (ADD) in children. In addition, if the answer to the previous question is no, then what would be the best alternative form of treatment for children with ADD? Methylphenidate is the most common medication used to treat attention deficit with hyperactivity disorder (ADHD Treatment, n. d.). Since it is the most used stimulant, methylphenidate, also known as Ritalin, will be the drug that is going to be compared to therapy, specifically psychoanalysis. Its main mechanism of action is to increase dopamine in the central nervous system. The increased presence of dopamine will adumbrate the abuse potential of the drug, however, this will be discussed later. Cocaine and amphetamines have certain similarities and differences when compared to the main treatment for ADHD. A difference

Capitalism with a Humanist Interface: A leftist critique of UBI

 Zizek, UBI, and the American election With the upcoming American presidential election, it is increasingly evident how change , as a concept, is interwoven in the political landscape. On one hand, to return to the political environment of the pre-Trump era, voters can choose to elect Vice President Joe Biden, but wasn’t this the exact climate that gave us Trump in the first place? On the other hand, voters have the option to re-elect Donald Trump, who needs no introduction to his list of defects. This can take us back to Slovenian philosopher Slavoj Zizek’s quip about Stalin: “back in the late 1920s, Stalin was asked by a journalist which deviation is worse, the Rightist one (Bukharin & company) or the Leftist one (Trotsky & company), and he snapped back: ‘They are both worse!’” Isn’t that the case with the options of Trump or Biden? “They are both worse!” But if both are worse, is there a “better” option? Just like the main character in the movie The Matrix , we are give